A painted axe
In the future scenario proposed by Christine T Nettles, humanity will reach the limits of the technological shift we are witnessing today. The Chosen Ones will shed their biological shells, enter a state of digital data, and become obsessed with the quest for a new Perfect Number. The spectators of the three-part interactive KBS installation, devoid of a hierarchy of individual elements, can also contribute to this quest. By taking part in the kargo-cult of the Internet, they receive “warnings or revelations” generated by a “living sculpture” that continuously translates Dante Alighieri’s “The Divine Comedy” into the language of electrical circuits. And the signal produced by the audience will help feed the chickens, whose squeaks and chirps constitute an element of the logic circuit for extracting a unique key – that is, part of the blockchain that includes in the chain of disparate events and artifacts Dante’s text telling about life beyond the human world.